1 . Reservation and Payment Guidelines

For those gearing up for an unforgettable journey with EXPEDITIONHIMALAYA.COM Pvt. Ltd., it is imperative to secure your spot by making a reservation three months in advance. This lead time is crucial to guarantee the utmost safety and satisfaction for our valued clients.

Upon reservation, clients are required to make an initial payment equivalent to 30% of the total trip cost. This advance payment serves various purposes, including securing bookings for accommodations, flights, guides, and porters, as well as obtaining necessary approvals from governmental authorities. To further streamline the process, an additional 30% of the total charges should be settled one month prior to your scheduled flight to Nepal.

Upon your arrival in Nepal, the remaining 40% of the total trip cost is due, to be paid before embarking on your thrilling adventure. Please find our bank details below for your convenience:

Bank detail

2. Trip Cancellation Policy

Our cancellation policy is designed to adapt to unforeseen circumstances and changes in plans, ensuring responsible resource allocation. Please review the following:

Cancellation Clauses:

  • Cancellation 45 Days Before Departure:
    • 20% cancellation fee of the total trip amount.
    • The remaining amount will be refunded, deducting Nepal Rastra Bank’s processing charge, or retained as credit for a future trip.
  • Cancellation 25-44 Days Before Departure:
    • Cancellation fee ranging from 30% to 40% of the total trip amount.
    • Remaining amount refunded as per clause 1.
  • Cancellation 1 Week Before Departure:
    • Cancellation fee ranging from 50% to 60% of the total trip amount.
    • Remaining amount refunded following terms in clause 1.

No Refund Once Trip Commences:

  • Full amount due for any unused services once the trip begins.

Important Note:

Refund percentages are based on the total trip amount, covering personnel, resources, and logistical costs. Consider travel insurance for unforeseen circumstances.

3. Late Booking

Late booking can be done as early as 10 days before the departure from your country. But it is to be noted that it will involve additional cost.

4. Insurance and Travel Risks Guidelines

Due to a governmental directive, foreigners are prohibited from purchasing insurance within Nepal. It is crucial for clients to secure a comprehensive travel insurance package in their home country, encompassing medical expenses, air evacuation, and search and rescue missions. Trekking and expeditions involve inherent risks and unforeseeable factors, particularly in high altitudes where medical emergencies and natural calamities are prevalent.

To ensure our clients’ well-being, we strongly recommend Global Rescue, as we are proud members of this reputable organization. Acquiring comprehensive travel insurance prior to arriving in Nepal is essential for coverage against helicopter evacuations, trip cancellations, and personal accidents.

As part of the process, our agency will collect clients’ personal and insurance details, facilitating necessary steps and paperwork in the event of unforeseen situations. In case of a rescue requirement, our company will coordinate with rescue services and handle all related paperwork. It is important to note that the company will not assume any losses or provide compensation if the guest’s insurance fails to cover certain aspects of the trip.

5. Incomplete Tours Policy

No compensation is applicable if a client decides not to participate in a trek/expedition due to personal injury or any other reason. Additionally, in the event of a government permit revocation due to a disaster in the area, clients are not eligible for reimbursement of their payments.

6. Compliance Agreement

During their stay in the country, guests are required to adhere to the rules and regulations of the country. Engagement in any illegal activities is strongly discouraged, and the company is not obligated to advocate on behalf of guests for any deliberate or unintentional breaches of the law. Should any illegal activities be observed, the company reserves the right to involve authorities and hand over the clients. If clients face legal consequences due to unlawful acts, the company is not obligated to provide financial compensation.

Furthermore, during tours/treks/expeditions, the team leader assumes control, and their decisions are considered final. Team leaders/guides are selected based on extensive training and experience in mountainous regions. To ensure the safety and well-being of clients, it is essential for clients to follow the instructions of the team leader/guides, shedding any instincts that may contradict their guidance. In the event of conflicts among clients, whether verbal, physical, or otherwise, the company’s staff will intervene to resolve the issue and reserve the right to involve the police if deemed necessary.

7. Changes in Cost, Schedule, and Additional Charges

Expedition Himalaya Pvt. Ltd. crafts standard packages with the expertise of seasoned individuals. While the company values guest preferences and accommodates alterations to packages upon request, clients should be prepared to incur additional time and costs for such modifications.

In certain circumstances, alterations to the standard cost and schedule may be necessary due to prevailing conditions in the area. In such instances, adjustments to price and time can be made through mutual agreement between clients and the company.

Any damage to company equipment, trip delays, deviations from the agreed-upon services, or additional demands by the client may result in an increase in the initially agreed-upon price.

8. Early Completion of Itinerary

If the schedule is completed before the designated time, no refunds will be issued by the company. For instance, in a 14-day tour package concluding in 12 days, the costs for the remaining 2 days will not be refunded.

9. Flight Cancellations (International/Domestic)

The company is not obligated to provide financial compensation for any flight cancellations unless initiated by the company. However, in the event of flight cancellations, it is the agency’s responsibility to arrange accommodation for guests.

10. Accommodation & Meals During Overnight Stay

If an overnight stay becomes necessary due to issues caused by or related to the client, or as a result of flight cancellations (Domestic/International), the client is responsible for covering the costs of the overnight stay and meals. However, if the stay is required due to reasons attributed to the agency, the agency will be responsible for covering the associated expenses.

11. Accommodation Guidelines

Our trek and expedition locations may lack the comforts of the 21st century, and unforeseen circumstances may impact the usual standards. While we strive to offer reasonable deals, there might be instances where every promise cannot be fulfilled. We appreciate guests understanding and adapting to the available circumstances. We strongly advise guests to thoroughly understand the nature of their adventure before booking.

12. Meals

Our experienced mountaineering cooks provide the best food possible, though the taste may differ from what you’re accustomed to. Clients must follow the tour guide’s guidelines when selecting items from the food menu.

13. Stuffs and Equipment

Any materials, gears, or equipment temporarily provided by Expedition Himalaya must be returned to the designated official at the trip’s end. Clients are liable for compensation in case of damage.

14. Publicity

Expedition Himalaya may request guests to provide photographs for promotional purposes, and compliance is expected. Rest assured, photographs will only be used for promotional activities.

15. Children

Children below 16 must be accompanied by their legal guardian.

16. Extra Activities

Clients should inform the company beforehand about extra activities. Uninformed activities may result in costs borne by clients, with the company not assuming responsibility. Informed activities will be managed with adherence to proper procedures. Unauthorized activities without informing the company and obtaining necessary permits will be considered illegal.

17. Modifications

For changes to arrangements, inform us via email at least two weeks before departure. Non-refundable government permits, travel tickets, or insurance expenses will be your responsibility, as well as any cancellation fees for purchased airfares.